Kenju, over at Imagine What I'm Leaving Out, was interviewed by a blogger buddy and then she asked her readers who wanted to be interviewed. I was all over it! So she sent me my questions today and I'm giving my short answers here. (The questions have been so fun to think about, that over the next few days I'll take them individually and create a unique post for each one.)
So...picture me on The Today Show, dressed and made up in killer style, answering each question with poise, wit and a lot of wisdom. Dream of the day you'll get your chance. It may be sooner than you think!
Lights, camera, ACTION!
(An immaculate, articulate Kenju takes the interviewer's seat.)
Q: If money were no object, TravelinOma, what's the first thing you'd buy?
A: I would lease 2 suites in the Meurice Hotel in the Tuileries Quarter of Paris, for a year. It is close to a Metro stop (great connections to everywhere, including train stations), an English bookstore, Angelinas Cafe Shop for the best in hot chocolate anywhere, the Louvre, Tuileries Gardens and awesome strolling and shopping. We would get train passes and travel for 2 weeks at a time to all the Austrian tyrol villages, the Italian lakes, the Swiss Engadine, Bruges, Normandy....everywhere. Then we would return to the suite, restore for a few weeks and be off again.
My extra suite would be in reserve for any family members who wanted to come and join us. They could come as couples, as families (BYONannie), or alone, and travel with us, or set off on their own adventure.
Q: How has your education had an impact on your life? Do you wish you'd studied something else?
A: My education taught me how to think, how to learn, and where to go to find things to study. For those skills it was invaluable. My German Major put me on a path to meet Dee, and that was all- important for the life I have chosen, so I don't regret it at all. It has done me no good in a practical, money making way.
I wish the University system was set up to allow students to design their own curriculum from a variety of subjects. I wasn't exposed to classes that I'd have enjoyed: journalism, advertising, public relations, art design, interior design, etc. There was a very set schedule of classes that were required by undergrads. The classes were huge, and the teachers taught these big classes in a very structured way. I didn't enjoy most of my classes.
Q: If you could have dinner with 2 people, who would you choose to invite? What would you ask them?
A: I would invite Bob Woodward and Dave Letterman. I think they would each have insight and experiences with the people and events I would like to know about. Between them they have probably talked to everyone, and commented on everything that's happened in my adulthood.
I'd ask them their opinions about improving the world, from what history and intelligent people have taught them about human nature.
Q: What one thing would you do differently in your life, if you had the chance to do it over?
A: I wish I had studied harder, and learned things to remember for life, rather than just for the test.
Q: What experience in your life has enriched you the most?
A: Motherhood.
I have gained skills of teaching, organization, psychology, human behavior, health, nursing, planning, cooking, interior design, furniture design, and others too numerous to mention. I have learned to be self-motivated, productive, scheduled and disciplined and still be spontaneous and fun. I can plan for the future and live in the moment at the same time. I have been a COO, a CEO and CFO of a large household, applying for loans, grants, mortgages, acted as bookkeeper and accountant. I can manage contractors, household repairmen, gardeners, and household help. I have learned what is important now, and what can be put off until later.
These are not just "feel good" titles for a woman who stays at home and changes diapers. I saw my role as a mother as a career choice, and I feel confident in these and many other aspects of running a happy, organized home, and raising balanced, productive and kind children.
I feel "I did it all." I just did it all at home, and with my family. I don't regret a minute of the 32 years I was a full-time mother, and I got more than a gold watch on retirement.
Lights dim....interviewer leaves.
Thanks for tuning in!! The special offer is that you, too, can be interviewed!
1. If you want to be interviewed, leave me a comment saying "Interview Me!"
2. I will respond by asking you 10 questions, and you choose to answer 5 of them. I pick the questions. I will email you when I post the questions on my blog.
3. You will leave the answers to your questions in my comments, or tell us to go to your blog where you may decide to post the questions and your answers.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others (1-5 participants) in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them 5 questions of your choosing, and the interviews go on....
I'd love to have you interview me!
Marty, your answers were very thoughtful and excellent! Thanks for asking to be interviewed and for doing it so well!
i loved the interview. such fun to hear your answers. can i come visit the suite too?
i would love to see you get interviewed with dave letterman! mom, you're good at this kind of stuff. nice thoughtful answers. plus, i love the blog interview idea. thanks!!
I'd love to have you interview me...
Bev and Shae, and any others brave enough. I've posted my questions on "What's Your Line", my post 2 days ago. I brought in Barbara Walters for the occasion, so check out what she has to say for the interview of a lifetime!
I only had time to skim the first question and I thought you said you would buy two suits at that store and later down it said one for when family visited..I thought, kind of strange, then I saw the word made more sense..
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