Have you ever looked up from your everyday life and noticed something big headed your way?
BYU Women's Conference is May 1st and 2nd. This is an annual two-day event at Brigham Young University, attended by about 20,000 participants from all 50 states, and many other countries.
Both days start and end with general sessions. In between the general sessions there are three one-hour concurrent sessions with 15 venues to choose from each hour. The topics are varied and include:
Single Parenting; Adoption; Music; Maintaining Good Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Health; Marriage; Dealing with Death; Parenting Adult Children; Finances; Mental Illness; Prayer; Menopause; Addiction; Influence of Grandmothers; Style; Caring for Aging Parents; Forgiveness; Eating Disorders; Determining Life Priorities; Turning to the Scriptures for Answers...
These are just a few of the subjects being discussed. Speakers range from university professors to doctors, lawyers, artists, musicians, family therapists...and a blogger.
Yes, I am speaking about blogging: Staying Connected Using the Internet. I am intimidated, and overwhelmed. I go back and forth between being terrified my room will be full (it holds 600 people) or even worse, empty. One day I write down thirty great ideas, and the next day all thirty seem totally boring. I timed myself presenting all my material and it took over an hour. Then I timed myself reading all my fascinating material and it took less than two minutes.
I find myself hyperventilating in the car as I think about it, and I can't eat without taking a Zantac. I am bringing on hot flashes worrying that I'll have a hot flash. I spent an hour tonight trying on earrings wondering how to make my neck look long and graceful.
In spite of my short comings (and short neck,) some of you have emailed asking for details.
I speak on Friday, May 2nd, at 2:00 in room 3220-24 in the Wilkinson Center. If you have a guest pass you should arrive 30 minutes before the session starts. You can register online or the day of, and the cost of a full ticket is $47; a one-day ticket is $27.
On Thursday evening there are service events and cultural performances. The evening of service is awesome. Some of the things accomplished over the last 10 years are:
509,200 packets prepared for various non-profit agencies; 371,425 hygiene kits assembled for the LDS Humanitarian Center to send to victims of natural disasters around the world; 38,101 newborn kits sent to maternity clinics in developing countries; 104,144 school kits for schools in developing countries; 6,000 blankets sent to children's hospitals; 145,200 food boxes put together for the food bank. The list goes on and on.
During the conference there are Take 'n' Make and Return Kits. Women take projects to the classes and sit and crochet or knit hats, scarves, mittens, or slippers that are then returned as finished projects and donated to those in need. There are Service Learning Rooms that are set up for women to listen or view live conference sessions while tying quilts, sanding and painting wooden toys, or putting together children's books.
Sharing Stations are set up on Thursday night in a large ballroom. It is a "trade show of service ideas" featuring over fifty displays created by different women to share ideas on loving, serving, and teaching in the home, school and community. These ideas and relevant handouts, patterns, recipes, etc. will be available free of charge on the web site after the conference. (Ideas from previous years are available now.)
And, of course, there's a giant Blogapalooza Party for paid up members! Thanks Celia Fae.
I'm hugely flattered (and humbled) to be included in this marvelous event, even in a small way. But I feel like something huge is coming right at me and it's too late to duck!

BYU Women's Conference is May 1st and 2nd. This is an annual two-day event at Brigham Young University, attended by about 20,000 participants from all 50 states, and many other countries.
Both days start and end with general sessions. In between the general sessions there are three one-hour concurrent sessions with 15 venues to choose from each hour. The topics are varied and include:
Single Parenting; Adoption; Music; Maintaining Good Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Health; Marriage; Dealing with Death; Parenting Adult Children; Finances; Mental Illness; Prayer; Menopause; Addiction; Influence of Grandmothers; Style; Caring for Aging Parents; Forgiveness; Eating Disorders; Determining Life Priorities; Turning to the Scriptures for Answers...
These are just a few of the subjects being discussed. Speakers range from university professors to doctors, lawyers, artists, musicians, family therapists...and a blogger.
Yes, I am speaking about blogging: Staying Connected Using the Internet. I am intimidated, and overwhelmed. I go back and forth between being terrified my room will be full (it holds 600 people) or even worse, empty. One day I write down thirty great ideas, and the next day all thirty seem totally boring. I timed myself presenting all my material and it took over an hour. Then I timed myself reading all my fascinating material and it took less than two minutes.
I find myself hyperventilating in the car as I think about it, and I can't eat without taking a Zantac. I am bringing on hot flashes worrying that I'll have a hot flash. I spent an hour tonight trying on earrings wondering how to make my neck look long and graceful.
In spite of my short comings (and short neck,) some of you have emailed asking for details.
I speak on Friday, May 2nd, at 2:00 in room 3220-24 in the Wilkinson Center. If you have a guest pass you should arrive 30 minutes before the session starts. You can register online or the day of, and the cost of a full ticket is $47; a one-day ticket is $27.
On Thursday evening there are service events and cultural performances. The evening of service is awesome. Some of the things accomplished over the last 10 years are:
509,200 packets prepared for various non-profit agencies; 371,425 hygiene kits assembled for the LDS Humanitarian Center to send to victims of natural disasters around the world; 38,101 newborn kits sent to maternity clinics in developing countries; 104,144 school kits for schools in developing countries; 6,000 blankets sent to children's hospitals; 145,200 food boxes put together for the food bank. The list goes on and on.
During the conference there are Take 'n' Make and Return Kits. Women take projects to the classes and sit and crochet or knit hats, scarves, mittens, or slippers that are then returned as finished projects and donated to those in need. There are Service Learning Rooms that are set up for women to listen or view live conference sessions while tying quilts, sanding and painting wooden toys, or putting together children's books.
Sharing Stations are set up on Thursday night in a large ballroom. It is a "trade show of service ideas" featuring over fifty displays created by different women to share ideas on loving, serving, and teaching in the home, school and community. These ideas and relevant handouts, patterns, recipes, etc. will be available free of charge on the web site after the conference. (Ideas from previous years are available now.)
And, of course, there's a giant Blogapalooza Party for paid up members! Thanks Celia Fae.
I'm hugely flattered (and humbled) to be included in this marvelous event, even in a small way. But I feel like something huge is coming right at me and it's too late to duck!

You are going to do so GREAT! Your neck is perfect, you may or may not have a hotflash, but everyone there will love what you have to say. Take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy the next two weeks. It's going to be just awesome.
Can't wait! Don't worry about the talk. Now that the outfit is picked out, it's all downhill...
You are going to be one of the favorites...I just know it. Your blog is one of my favorites. You always make me think and more importantly....remember.
Good luck!
Do you feel like a huge log is coming right at you?!
Seriously though, what an honour.
I'm sure you'll be great! Try to enjoy the experience, and don't forget to tell us all about it on your blog!
I can only imagine the stress involved! But based on the appeal of your blog, I am confident your workshop will be a great success. As I told you in an email a couple of months ago, your blog was my inspiration for sharing family history, and it continues to keep me excited about my own project. I'm hoping you will figure out a way to share your conference presentation with those of us who can't attend. . . Wishing you peace of mind!
we all believe in you! you can do it, oma. i just know it. your good ideas are constant and we know your happy, charming, witty self will come through. your true colors are the best. remember, we will be there cheering for you! this is gonna be the perfect crowd for you! good luck in preparing.
Just remember, you were chosen for a reason! You are the best blogger around. No one can touch your wit and wisdom. There is no one more organized, professional and talented. Inhale. Have fun with it.
What a wonderful opportunity. You know you're going to be great, don't you? You're a natural because you speak from the heart....that's how you connect here...and that's how you'll connect there. Try to enjoy this time sweetie...
You will have room full of woman that WANT to be there!! I have no idea how many of them will just 'stumble' upon you-due to lack of space in other rooms...but, everyone who attends will be pleasantly surprised. Your blog in one of the few that I visit almost everyday. You are delightful, upbeat, and creative. Cant wait to see you in person and learn at the feet of a 'master, blogger!! Take a deep breath and try to enjoy the whole thing!!
I'll bet you will be terrific! Thanks for the name on the photo - but you didn't have to do that. I got it in email, so it isn't personal.....LOL. Stop worrying, you'll be great!
You will be fabulous and we'll all be their to support you with smiles. I can't wait! Bring some ice for the hot flashes...I have them too. YUCK!
you are going to be awesome! i'm so excited to see you live & in all your glory. wahoo!
let me add also..you'll be fantastic...and if you're worried about your neck, wear a chic scarf like diane keaton always does...
Marty! I'd be doing all sorts of swearing and making deals with the devil if I were you. My stomach is in knots and I don't even have to do anything!
I can't wait to hear what you say. I'm sure it will be wise and you'll tell lots of personal stories.
Thanks for the linky.
Marty! I'd be doing all sorts of swearing and making deals with the devil if I were you. My stomach is in knots and I don't even have to do anything!
I can't wait to hear what you say. I'm sure it will be wise and you'll tell lots of personal stories.
Thanks for the linky.
Sounds so fun. I haven't ever gone to Women’s Conference..and how fun for me to now know someone who is actually speaking there!!!!
I wish I could be there, I would sit up front and cheer you on....hehe
Don't forget to say a prayer cause then you will be his "instrument" and the words will flow:)
Fondly, Barbara
You will do wonderful! All of us coming for Blogapalooza will be there cheering you on!!!
You must be fabulous! Just look at the girls you have raised. I just love Gabi and haven't even met her yet. But I will. Soon!
I get nervous in front of a crowd too. At my wedding the minister could barely hear me, I was so nervous, I was whispering. And I couldn't be still!! I swished back and forth...hehehe...one day I pressed FFWD on the DVD and it looks like I am dancing in place for hubby...lol.
I will be thinking of you and sending you good thoughts. From the posts that you present here, I know you will be wonderful. It makes me wish I could go! It sounds like a fascinating event.
Marti, you'll be great! Just remember that you know more about blogging than 99% of the people there -- that's why they'll be coming to hear you. Just be yourself. I loved the suggestion you sent to "Nourishing Relationships" about emailing your grandchildren about all seeing the same moon. I just added your blog to my link list -- I thought I had done it long ago. Well, better late than never. Have fun at the conference, Sally
Your going to be great mom! Everyone needs one of those chats from you where you say, "You're doing good, keep it up, what you're already doing is wonderful. You're the best and you don't even know it." If you can give one of those motivating chats that we had every day after school, after my dates, holding my new baby and dealing with four kids, everyone will love you. You're the best motivational speaker out there! These ladies are in for a treat. You'll do great.
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