Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Inspiring Talent

Anna and Brad, York 2006

Regular people have incredible talent.

Sher told me about a photography project called Reflections of Christ. The actual exhibit is in Arizona and sounds amazing. (If you want to read an eyewitness account, link to Heidi's Blog on Sher's sidebar.)

A photographer in Arizona is creating photographs depicting the life of Christ. Click this link
to MabryStudios and scroll down a few entries to the post called Where I've Been. Then click on the arrow for a short video about he recreated the angels announcing the birth of Jesus. The final product is stunning.

This YouTube site has details about how the photographer portrayed Jesus walking on the water, the betrayal by Judas, and other events.

I'm continually astounded by the creativity of others. This project is especially inspiring.


Bev said...

AWESOME!! You're right -- and I wish I could see the exhibit

Sheri said...

Thanks for the links to the videos. They are amazing. Beautiful.

gramakas said...

Thanks for posting all the links to hook up to this amazing project. I so wish I could go see it in person.