Friday, August 3, 2007

Winging It: York, England

We had thought about it for years. I'm scared of heights, I've always had nightmares of falling, and I can't even look down when I climb up bleachers, but we knew it was time. We jumped!

I don't mean we jumped out of an airplane, but we did take a flying leap. Dee worked his way to a degree in history by developing real estate. It's hard to leave a lucrative job to start a teaching career, and what else do you do with a history major? So he made research and writing his hobby, and looked forward to weekends like everybody else. Our favorite daydream was making enough money so he could quit and work at something he loved doing.

The daydream became an obsession. We were talking about it all the time, imagining a different life. We toyed with the idea of resigning. The roaring 1970's were behind us and the riotous '80's were taking a toll. The real estate market was suddenly very shaky, and so was Dee's company. That dreamy part about our portfolio supporting us was truly a daydream, but it seemed like the timing was right for us to start over. However, we had seven kids between the ages of fifteen and four, and a mortgage and two car payments. Could we really bail out of life?

Dee thought it would be unethical to look for a job without informing his company of his plans. Quitting was the nightmare we expected it to be, but when that part was over, it was time to plan our future. We were in free fall, realizing we should have packed parachutes.

To be continued...

(Photos: Not us.)


kenju said...

It sounds scary enough. Mr. kenju quit many of his jobs over the years, in order not to be transferred out of this area. But he always had another job to replace it before he quit the old one, so it wasn't so scary to us. Hurry back with the rest!

Bev said...

obviously you landed on your feet...I'm anxious to hear how....I've felt like we were in "free fall" since we retired (and didn't realize what the economy was going to do to us)

K.M. Saint James said...

Welcome back. I hope you enjoyed your time off.

Can't wait to hear more of this story -- and just surviving with all those kidos.

Anonymous said...

wow! im impressed! im scared of heights too and would have been terrified! looks like fun though

Joy Des Jardins said...

Falling is a whole lot scarier with seven other hands hanging on to you. But...sometimes it's worth the leap. Anxious to hear the rest Marty....

MissKris said...

Dear Hubby and I will probably be in 'free fall' mode 'til the day we're packed into the ground. I guess one thing we've learned thru 33 years together is there isn't ANYTHING guaranteed in this life except surprises, ha! Will be waiting for the rest of this story with bated breath....

Kay Dennison said...

I'm waiting and my foot is going tap, tap, tap . . . lol

Welcome back, Marty -- I missed ya!!!!