Thursday, March 19, 2009

We Have a Winner!

Hey Jenibelle! Wake up! You won!

Thanks to everybody who came to my Open House:
I appreciate every comment in the guest book.
Jenibelle was chosen at random to win the doorprize—
she will be getting a favorite book on blogging from my bookshelf!

(Jenibelle: email me your real name and address and it will be on its way!)


Tori said...

Hi Oma. ^_^

I'm glad you enjoyed Elder Holland's quote! I look forward to reading what you may have to say on the subject of always feeling behind in comparison to other women. I used to have this problem HUGELY, but now only have it at times (rarely).

I don't remember who REALLY taught me to read. Probably school? But I do remember it was my Mom who forced the issue of summer reading, which began (after rebellion against the expectation) my love of books and "affair" with the written word! ^_^

Christie said...

Dang. I got all excited when I saw that picture thinking it was ME who had won.

Kay Dennison said...

Congrats to Jenibelle!!!!