Monday, January 21, 2008

Helpful Ideas

Life's most persistent and urgent question is,
"What are you doing for others?" --Martin Luther King

Ten significant things others have done for me:
  1. Mom showed me how to pray.
  2. Mrs. Hilbig taught me to read.
  3. Herr Bruderer opened my eyes to other cultures.
  4. Mr. Tolman explained the workings of our government.
  5. Mrs. Hathaway encouraged me to write.
  6. Jennie taught me to read music.
  7. President Peterson took me on Pioneer Trek.
  8. Dad tutored me in optimism.
  9. Rick Birnbaum gave me lessons on how to travel.
  10. Dee listens to me and understands.
There are people who make a big difference, and there are people who make little difference. Who has done something for you?


mama jo said...

my list is: you taught me to how to raise my children, polly taught me to be imaginative, tee taught me to ski better,dad taught me to be postivie in all things, to be generous and to have fun, mom taught me to sew and to be a great mother like she kids taught me patience...oh, and i had herr bruderer also...he taught me about the world...not so much german...

Polly said...

my list is: you taught me to love clothes, more importantly you have listened and been my counselor for over 35 years. Jolyn taught me about unending generosity. Mom and dad taught me lessons on marriage and raising kids, just by their example. Jim's parents taught me about unselfishness and kindness. Gabi reminds me of the fun !??! of raising kids. I will have to write my own blog cause there are too many. Jim taught me unconditional love and I also had Herr Bruderer...

Rebecca said...

My mother forged me.
My husband tempered me.
My son taught me patience.
Mr. Supp taught me appreciation of British literature.
Ted Bahr taught me to be a professional.
Shelby taught me friendship and accountability therein.
My stepfather taught me music appreciation and camping
My father taught me self sufficiency.

Jenibelle said...

My Mom and Dad Rydalch who took me in at 14, angry, lost and sad and taught me how to love unconditionally and how to laugh and believe in myself.
My daughter Rachel who taught me to think eternally, this life is just that, THIS life, there is more and she will be okay.
Vicki who taught me that prayers ARE answered.
My son Mitch who is teaching me patience and even more unconditional love.
My friend Rachel who taught me to laugh at life and not mourn so much.
My seminary kids who teach me every day that the scriptures are for me personally.
and Marty, you. You are teaching me that it's okay to think and remember and share those sweet memories.