Friday, November 17, 2006

Literate at Last

The Thanksgiving after Marta started school Pat Wade asked the primary kids to tell about a blessing they had recieved this year that they didn't have last year. Someone said a bike, another said a new baby, and then Marta said "I can read." That was so profound to me and it still makes me tear up. Being able to read is one of the greatest blessings I have.

If I was asked what new blessing I've recieved in 2006, I'd say my computer. 2006 has been the year I've discovered what the computer can do for me! Pete replaced my old computer with a Mac Mini which has become one of my best friends. I got a scanner, and I spend a few hours every day learning and practicing new skills. It's awesome! I realize I'm a little late to the game, and my grandkids are more comfortable with a mouse than I am, but these new abilities have opened a whole new world to me. Thanks to all who have taught me lessons, talked me through procedures, fixed my equipment, and given me confidence that even an old Oma can be a nerd!

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