Friday, April 6, 2012

Marriage Should Be Fun

"Falling in love at first sight is understandable.
It's staying in love that's the miracle."

Five things my true love and I have done together lately:
  1. Discussed architecture.
  2. Taken a road trip.
  3. Chatted with grandkids.
  4. Listened to Taylor Swift.
  5. Counted our blessings.
Having fun together helps us stay in love.

Ten things I've been thinking about staying in love:
  1. I think people fall out of love if they don't look for reasons to stay in love.
  2. I think love is a verb. It is something you do, not something you expect.
  3. I think a woman isn't grown up until she takes responsibility for her own happiness.
  4. I think it's a shame that many women see a spouse or children as the cause of their downfall, and suppose that success comes only after they are free of them. This sad belief is everywhere!
  5. I think couples who speak kindly and lovingly to each other will be happier.
  6. I think we need to check the map and see if the road we're on is taking us to the place we want to go.
  7. I think the weather segment on the 10:00 news has become way to long. (Just checking to see if you're still reading.)
  8. I think it's too bad that some women are nicer to a stranger than they are to their husband.
  9. I think that you can't work on togetherness if you're never together.
  10. I think a good marriage takes a lot of practice.
Forty three years ago Dee and I fell in love at first sight.
It was fun.
We fall in love over and over, as we gain insight.
That is even more fun!


  1. Amen!

    Just last week I thought "I need to look for more opportunities to serve my husband." I've become lazy in that way. He's so great to me.

    (I agree the weather is long too - we fast forward through a lot of it.)

  2. I love that picture! 43 is a special number in my family - it's our way of saying "Love you" (because there are 4 letter in 'love' and 3 letters in 'you'). So happy 43 years! {And I love that you and Dee listen to Taylor Swift together. You two are so cute!}

  3. this is great. i needed the reminded. it came perfectly on the heels of reading elder holland's april 2007 conference talk on having the tongue of angels. I like that heavenly father used you to reiterate to me, just in case i wasn't totally getting it with His first prompt.


Now, what were you going to say?