Sunday, April 3, 2011

Favorite Sunday

LDS Conference Center

Twice a year our church throws a party.

LDS Conference Center

Members from all over the world gather in Salt Lake City for workshops and meetings,

LDS First Presidency

And to listen to a prophet's voice.

Conference Packets

Families all over the world gather and watch it on TV.
Even though Temple Square is only a block from my house,
I choose to be a home viewer,

Because there are some spiritual moments I'd hate to miss.

Our traditional Conference Trail Mix is a bucket of sweets with a few nuts,
kind of like the group that eats it.

First we say the blessing,

And eat delicious food.

Then some of us act out messages that the rest of us just listen to.

Messages like "How Do I Love Thee"

Today was my favorite kind of Sunday.

I used my new iPhone 4 to take these photos.
I got it last week, and there's just one problem:

I can't figure out how to set it down!
(Please suggest your favorite apps.)


  1. Bravo, iPhone user! I don't think I've even figured out how to upload pics from my phone to my blog.

    My most-used apps are:

    -Fandango (so I can find out movie times wherever I am)
    -Lose It (calorie tracking)
    -i-Ward (ward and/or stake directory)
    And Square (I use to to take client's credit card orders from my phone. It is awesome. Opa should get this).

  2. No iPhone here, or any other current phone. But, I love watching Conference at home too. We have built food into our traditions that make it a weekend my children look forward to and enjoy.

  3. Great pictures mom! Impressive.

  4. Yay for iPhones, they are addicting!

    LDS Tools
    Gospel Library
    Hipstamatic (takes cool pictures)
    The Weather Channel
    Facebook of course!
    HeyTell (if other people have the same app)
    Flixter (movies)

  5. My most memorable GC moment--
    I joined the Church at 16 and attended my first GC 3 years later while a student at BYU. I remember after everyone was seated in the Tabernacle, some men assisted (a very frail)Pres. McKay to a seat. The audience gasped (and he certainly took my breathe away)as he entered, arose and spontaneously began to sing, "We Thank Thee , Oh God, Fors a Prophet".

    Whoa! Didn't know that would still give me goosebumps.

  6. looks like fun...and congrats on the favorite toy!!!
    didn't you love conference? every speaker was speaking just to me!!
    a few fav apps it
    kindle can have books to read always
    and lots of games for the grandkids

  7. I'm an app novice, but am loving all the suggestions on this post.

    This is my favorite Sunday too! I've never thought of it as the "church throwing a party" but I love the image that evokes.

  8. Favorite app: Words with Friends -free version
    It is scrabble played with people you know or random opponents. I usually have 15 games going at any one time. You can make moves whenever you have time. Being the wordsmith that you are you will love it! My user name is pamcakes101 - Id love the competition!


Now, what were you going to say?