Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Take A Closer Look

Amy about 1983

Thirty three facts about Amy. She:
  1. Played the fiddle in a Bluegrass band.
  2. Almost got hit by a train in North Carolina.
  3. Was the only girl on her Little League team.
  4. Is a middle child.
  5. Taught herself to play the piano.
  6. Loves vinegar on French Fries.
  7. Has designed books.
  8. Diagrammed all the logs of a 100-year-old cabin.
  9. Helped take apart the cabin.
  10. Put it back together a year later.
  11. Plays the mandolin.
  12. Can type as fast as people talk.
  13. Crochets hats.
  14. Sews drapes.
  15. Pretends she's house hunting just to see inside different houses.
  16. Can find anyone a new house in any zip code.
  17. Wants an American Girl doll.
  18. Is an Interior Designer.
  19. Was a student body officer.
  20. Is an art historian.
  21. Makes great posters.
  22. Wants to home school her kids, but
  23. Can't wait for her kids to go back to school.
  24. Has three adorable daughters.
  25. Is a fashionista.
  26. Watches anything British.
  27. Does crossword puzzles.
  28. Knows classical music.
  29. Was blind, and now she sees.
  30. Likes Jackie Chan movies.
  31. Quotes Jane Austen.
  32. Is a fabulous hostess.
AND . . .

33. It's her birthday!

Can you guess how old she is?
(I've loved her from day one.)


  1. She's a real doll!! But then, all your kids are. I suspect she's in her late 20's. Happy Birthday!

  2. Nim is so cute - happy birthday to her!

  3. Thanks Mom! I love those pictures. It's been a great 33 years because of you. Love you.

  4. She had me with vinegar on her french fries. You can tell that she's had a good British upbringing!

    We lived in Scotland for a time so we love vinegar and brown sauce on our "chips" whenever we can get them.

    I think I'd like your family to adopt me.

  5. Adorable!!! She's about the same age as my son!!!

  6. hi mom happy birthday to you, your a-hundred and two you look like a monkey, and you smell like one too.happy birthday to me i'm a hundred and three. i'm stilln in my preschool,and i miss my mommy.HAPPY BIRHT DAY TOMOM!


Now, what were you going to say?