Sunday, June 22, 2008

A Heartwarming Story

When I hear of a new grandchild on the way, my heart skips a beat. Joy, tenderness, and gratitude–combined with a huge dose of vulnerability–fill my heart with love, and my stomach with butterflies.

I am in awe of the mothers and grandmothers (and dads and grandpas) who have faced heartache with the sickness of a new baby. Memoirs of a Mommy is a blog by Noah's mom. Born with a heart defect, he was blessed with a heart transplant when he was an infant. Someone gave Noah a new heart. And someone else's mom had a broken heart.

I just received a heartwarming award. Noah's mom created it to celebrate the first anniversary of his transplant and it's going around the Internet to raise awareness of organ donation. Mine came from my blogger friend, Miss Kris, and I'm very flattered. I get to pass it on to five folks who warm my heart on a regular basis.

Sher-endipity, Etc.

Shering Time

Nichols-Party of 3

Ink Poison

So Random

If you would like to pass the award on, just link to this site and ask your recipients to link to it, too. Noah's Adventure tells the whole story.

And, dear bloggy friends, you all warm my heart when you read my blog. Consider yourself awarded. Pass the award along to your heart's content!


  1. Thanks for the "Award" and the link to Noah's story. Very touching.

  2. Thank you SO much for the award! Your blog is one of my favorites, too. Everything you write makes me think about things I probably wouldn't have. In a good way... :0) I would award you if you weren't already awarded! :0)

  3. Thanks for "awarding" me! You have been my inspiration in this whole blogging experience... which I totally love reading and writing. Now I hope I can figure out how to pass it along. Noah's story is very tender and touching especially since I had a healthly grandchild born on his transplant day! We shouldn't take anything for granted... each day is a gift!

  4. what a wonderful award. congratulations, you are sooo deserving!

  5. Awww shucks. I feel toasty warm inside, and it's not even the pre-mature hot flashes this time! I fully agree with Ashlee's sentiments Marty - You're a fabulous gal!


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