Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Next Move

"Hundreds of books,thousands of books,
millions and billions and trillions of books."

Well, at least enough for a dozen trolley loads. Today Dee moved into a new office down the hall. I discovered that the best time to count your blessings is when you're picking them up and carrying them. It seemed like we had way too many. We had a few frustrations, too.

The air-conditioning guy who stood in the new doorway, on a ladder, with his head in the ceiling (all day yesterday and most of today) made maneuvering bookcases and furniture a little awkward. And, until he left, there was no air-conditioning! I wore my traditional sweatband bandanna while we transferred decor from one wall to another.

Plus, it's hard to work with an old person. Just ask Dee! Neither of us could see the numbers on the measuring tape, we couldn't find the nails we kept dropping on the floor, and we couldn't remember where we'd set the hammer. Standing on a chair with both hands above my head made me dizzy. Kneeling on the floor stacking books made Dee's knees crack.

I bumped into a woman while hauling a giant fake tree. Dee was almost blown away when the wind caught a big bulletin board he was carrying. When we finally sat down to rest we found we couldn't get back up.

But the hardest part is done. Now it's time for the finishing touches, and that's our forte. With a deadline, and our "oxen in the mire," we'll be skipping church to tote a few more boxes and hang a little art. Hopefully I'll post photos tomorrow night with evidence of our efforts!


  1. This post reminds me of the many, MANY moves I've made since I left my parent's house --- scary! And there were always large stacks of boxes of books involved --

    Hope you get the move finished and neither of you gets hurt

  2. I was unpacking books yesterday too! :0) All the children's books I've collected over the past 10 years. It was fabulous to let them out of their boxes again! Good luck with finishing up your move!

  3. Reading this made me tired!!

    I have far too many books - need to thin them out - finding the task a bit overwhelming - don't do anything!

  4. Oh, how I wish I lived closer. I'd come help you with your ox in the mire - and I'd be especially cheerful during our block time of 1-4. Maybe I should miss church here today and think of you. Yeah, that's it!

  5. Oh, boy! Isn't growing older FUN?!

  6. Happy book moving! We had a bit of a puppy-in-the-mire today and missed part of church because of it.

  7. I always think it's not possible to have too many books until I have to move them. Then I come close to reconsidering - I've never actually gone over the edge yet though and the book acquiring continues in earnest.

  8. oh wow! that's alot of books. i definitely don't envy you.

  9. good luck with the will be worth it....

  10. That makes me tired just looking at those stacks. Good luck!

  11. hooray for moving! i know your pain. keep up the good work! i can't believe you guys did it yourselves. were there any mini meltdowns??

    the putting away is fun; reminiscing and finding new spots for old things. can't wait to see your finished product! we should race.

  12. p.s. don't forget a lot of VUNCH concerts, i'm rocking 'we didn't start the fire' as we speak!

  13. I cleaned out a bunch of books a few months just needed to be done. You've got quite a collection there Marty. Makes me tired just looing at them. What a job huh? Seems like you're progressing pretty well though....keep up the good work.


Now, what were you going to say?