Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Geek Critique

I'm having a bit of Geek pique. Don't those folks have enough to do? Why are they messing around with Blogger?

I've been blogging for about six years (I can't be precise because I can't find my stats) and I know the territory. Draft, post, label—I could blog in my sleep, and often have. But tonight I walked into Blogspot and almost tripped—the furniture's been rearranged! Don't webmasters understand that we don't want new and improved? We want familiar!

And the whole Timeline thing on Facebook is a fiasco for me. So we're creating scrapbooks now? All my photo albums are neatly stacked in iPhoto where the Mac people told me to put them. Six years ago the Geeky guys didn't give me directions to Picasa—is it in Italy? Why would I be importing my photos from there??
I feel lost and confused—there's no map to this new world. 
The Geeks are freaking me out!


  1. If the geeks didn't constantly change things up on those various websites, they'd be out of a job.

  2. Ugh, don't even get me started! (You're not alone!)

  3. I'd hope to some day figure out the old dashboard enough to know what I was doing. Now, I just hope to be able to get something that will post.

  4. I HATE the new blogger layout. I'm not a fan of those kinds of changes either.

  5. I don't like "new and improved" on my familiar groceries either.

  6. I completely agree with everything your saying!!

  7. obviously these geeks never heard the phrase: "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."

  8. It seems like every time you get the hang of something, they go and change it and you have to figure it all out again.


Now, what were you going to say?