Thursday, July 21, 2011

Eye Popping

Here's a sight for you!

Dee had a coughing fit during the night while we were in California. It passed, and he went back to sleep. This is what he looked like the next morning!

He didn't feel a thing, and he could see perfectly, but a blood vessel had broken in his eye (it's called a subconjunctival hemorrhage) and for a few days he's looked as if blood was going to gush over his eyelid. Finally today we can see a bit of white again, so it must be reabsorbing. The doctor says it's fine, but the horrible sight has caught a few eyes!


  1. Ouch. Did I miss what happened? I hope he is doing better.

  2. Wowza, that is pretty impressive. Hannah would call it grody, and the boys would call it cool.

  3. Yikes is right.That would scare me to death!

  4. Wow, scary! I'm glad to hear he's okay, but I am sure you had quite a scare.


Now, what were you going to say?