Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What's With Blogger?

I can't log onto my blog using Firefox (which is what I always use) and it won't accept comments. Safari won't let me cut and paste images, delete or move them around. Blogger keeps asking me for my password, won't accept the one I've used forever, and has emailed me the same one three times. I feel like someone is trying to sabotage TravelinOma! It won't work, people! I will be published!

I spent ten hours yesterday on a six-page newsletter for my church (I'm the editor, so I produce one every month.) It's amazing what I've learned just by trying something new. I use Pages and each time I discover new techniques for layout, text boxes, masking photos, etc. It is SO hard, and SO beyond my abilities and SO, SO FUN!

Plus, yesterday I got the mock-ups for the cover of Son of a Gun. This is the real deal! It's looking like a genuine book! Another example of learning by doing. Last year at this time I didn't have a clue about actually writing a whole novel (plotting, character development, conflict, setting, organization, etc.) And this fall it will be on shelves, (hopefully flying off shelves.) But Son of a Gun isn't where you'll see the skills I developed writing it. My mystery/thriller/spy work in progress (it hasn't got a name yet) is where my new abilities are being put to use. This time I know a little more what I'm doing because I learned on the last one. And again, it's so fun!!!

What are you working on? I bet you're getting good at it! That's the way it works.

"You can only learn to be a writer by writing."
—Doris Lessing

Now I can't get back to normal size font. Something's up with Blogger.


  1. I seriously can't wait for it to come out. I am having a huge party here in your honor. Want to come?

  2. How cool is that! Congratulations on such an accomplishment! I love mysteries so I look forward to it!

    As far as blogger...I've left comments on blogs and go back to find they are gone and YES, it seems I always have to pub my log in info. in when I've already commanded it to stay logged in; UGH!!!

  3. Blogger is fine here -- so far! Did you run your antivirus? A bug could be hiding!

    And again, I applaud your new book and look forward to reading it!

  4. I finally got onto my dashboard just now on my laptop. I had the same thing Oma, the same password since I've been blogging, and they keep erasing it. Then I said I'd forgotten my password and entered my same, and again it won't let me get on. Frustrated, I went to my laptop and finally... But what is going on?!?! Their help page is not worth anything.

  5. I have issues with blogger and my firewall, so I can't leave comments on some blogs - weird. Blogger has been asking me to log in every time since it's big crazy day a couple of weeks ago.

    Today I'm working on preparations for Cub Scout Pack Meeting. It's going to be fun!

  6. Blogger has been giving me fits as well. Will give this a try.

    FOr the last three months have been trying to learn Mandarin. It takes forever for me to master a lesson, and certainly it is one of the hardest tasks I've ever undertaken, but it really has proven for me that I can continue to learn (despite the old dog, new tricks business).
    Have also taken up digital scrapbooking. Just too much fun. Love having something to illustrate my (efforts at) journaling.

  7. I followed instructions to check out my Google account blogger. It still isn't working for me at Cebe's, but appears to be fine here.

  8. Try wordpress, easier to deal with than blogger.


Now, what were you going to say?