Thursday, April 7, 2011

Packing It In

As you can see, Viennese women are chic!
I'll be one of them for a week,
and I'm bringing my chic in one carry-on suitcase.

Packing List
Two pair pants (jeans and black)
Four T-shirts (1 black, 1 bright, 2 print)
Two tank tops (black, white)
Lightweight black Cardigan
Denim and other jacket
Silver jewelry
Long (fake) pearl necklace and earrings
Cream colored long silk opera scarf
Three colorful scarves for jacket
Two pairs shoes (black and red)
Four sets underwear

This is all I'm taking for a three-week trip.
On the plane I'm wearing black leggings,
a black tunic, gray tunic vest, and a red pashmina.
(This will be good for lounging around,
when I want to seem dressed.)

Everything except the jacket and jeans can be hand-washed.
I always take lightweight fabrics that will dry overnight.

I pack kits so I can unpack and pack quickly.
Nightstand kit: little flashlight, tissues, lotion, chapstick.
Secretary kit: Check register, calculator, pen, envelope for receipts.
Recharge kit: camera and phone chargers, extra batteries, memory card.
Toiletries, Make-up, the usual.

I use a cool packing cube for my clothes.
It has hard plastic pieces for the top and bottom to keep things neat.
I take a fabric laundry sack, and an extra Le Sac bag that folds into it's own pouch.
If I need to, I can stuff the Le Sac with my laundry bag, check it for the flight home,
and have room for souvenirs.

It never looks like it will all fit.

I stuff in two umbrellas to vary my look in the photos.
(That's why I take two jackets.)

Push it all down, and voila!

Viennese Chic!

(P.S. We make a stop at the local post office before we leave a city, and mail any purchases home, so we don't get overloaded. They have boxes and tape there.)

I'll send postcards!


  1. You really are the master packer. Seriously. Write a book on it.

  2. You never cease to amaze me. I'm going to follow you around and copy every move. Like a stalker only more complimentary.

  3. Thanks Stie. I know how hard it is to write a book, so you'll just get a blog about it. Sorry. Think of it as an ebook. I could get a credit card reader for my iPhone and take orders!

  4. Have so much fun! If you find an extra four leaf clover in Ireland... think of me. :)

  5. I love your packing techniques. I always pack way too much.

  6. Whoa! That is very impressive. I tend to pack like I'm moving. But do you take a skirt?
    I'm going out to get myself a pashmina. Didn't know what it was until now. (Admittedly googled it.)

  7. I take a skirt in the summer when I can wear sandals, or if I have to have one for church or something. Otherwise, I stick to pants.

    I'm actually packing as we blog and I'm switching a T shirt out for a checkered collared blouse that doesn't wrinkle, and, after checking the weather forecast, I'm doubting the need for two jackets. I'll take one jacket and 2 cardigans instead. I have a fabulous list, but it needs tweaking for every trip.

  8. amazing!!! i can't wait for the days when our packing list doesn't include everything but the kitchen sink. ☺ have a wonderful trip!

  9. Loved this post. Such good practical advice. Check out for her hilarious story about a Pashmina.
    Bon Voyage.

  10. I packed for an almost 3 week trip to Denmark and England using just one bag and a small carry on. I was very proud of myself. I decided to check it since I didn't want to bother with putting a bag in the overhead bin or haul it through an airport on a plane change. Unfortunately, the bag didn't make the trip with me. It got side tracked in Rome due to a delay when changing planes in Atlanta. I made it through 5 days in Denmark with the clothes on my back. Thankfully, the distribution center was open in Copenhagen so I could get some undies. When I hit London, I finally had time to go shopping. My suitcase finally caught up with me after I was back in SLC. I tell you the long story about all this sometime.

    I also use packing cubes. It's the best way to keep organized.

    Have a great trip. When do you leave?

  11. By closer inspection of your pictures, I have that same Eagle Creek toiletry bag, only in green to match my green Eagle Creek luggage.

    Great minds think alike.;^)

  12. Ellouise, Thanks for the pashmina story. That was truly one of the funniest things I've heard.

  13. Though I've never been ANYWHERE of any consequence, I hope to go places... someday. I'll definitely come hunt for this post when that day comes. You rock. Sorry I haven't been commenting (life has been happening) but I'm reading right along. Have a GREAT trip!


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