Friday, April 1, 2011

My Inheritance

June and Jiggs' Wedding
April 1, 1946

Aunt Marie told me about the diamond clip.
How did I miss out on that???

Sixty-five years ago my parents got married. At the wedding breakfast my grampa gave a tribute to his new daughter-in-law. He said he had a special wedding present for her, something that had been in the family for years: a diamond clip.

Thrilled, she opened the little box and found . . .

a dime and clip.

(It was April Fool's Day!)

They lived happily ever after anyway.


  1. haha, funny

    I love the wedding picture!

  2. Thanks for the daily memory joggers.

    My dad met my mom while stationed in England during WWII. He proposed just before he headed back to the U.S. and then sent her an engagement ring through the mail.

    Because she was required to pay the duty on the package and did not have the money to do so, the ring was returned to my father.

    Several weeks later Mom received a can of Hershey's cocoa from Dad. In the cocoa was the ring.

    Mom took a journaling class a couple of years before her death. That story, never shared previously, was included in her life story. My girls were so moved by the story, they had her engagement and wedding rings resized (Mom was teensy) and now wear them.

  3. Sorry--another jogged memory.

    My father was a naughty prankster. His last April Fool's joke played on his poor mother took place when she was about 70.

    We wrapped Dad up in bandages and ketsup and then drove over to Grandma's. She opened the door, took one look at Dad---and passed right out.

    Like I said, last trick he dared ever play on her.

  4. That is great! What a funny story to pass on.

  5. A fabulous photo and a good story!

  6. Your Grampa has the exact same humor that my dad did. I can see my dad doing exactly the same. Love the wedding picture.

  7. I just love the wedding picture.

    Your Mother's dress is so beautiful and it has such an air of modesty and innocence about it. It is exactly what a wedding dress should look like.

    I was married four years after your parents (1950) and my dress was very much along the lines of your Mothers.

    I watch "Say Yes To The Dress" on television and I cannot believe some of the gowns these brides buy. They leave absolutely nothing to the imagination and it's a wonder they are permitted to enter any church.

  8. a few years before mom died, we went to St George with them and they had a dinner with a bunch of their friends on their anniversary. Mom had a little package for everyone as a favor. As we unwrapped our "gift" she told the story, she thought she was marrying into a rich family! She found out she was marrying into a funny family! We all opened our boxes and got a dime and a clip!

  9. I'd rather have a family with a sense of humor than a real diamond clip.


Now, what were you going to say?