Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Style Secrets of the Sixties

Do you know what this is?

Everybody had one back in the day.

I'll tell you the secret of its popularity.
Back, at the dawn of style, the Flip made its debut.

There were many versions, but Mary's was the ultimate goal.
It was important to follow the secret directions:

Seventeen Magazine had monthly diagram updates.

After your hair was put up, you had to sleep like this on Friday night,

Sport this look in town on Saturday,


You could get out your fabulous new Christmas present

And spend a toasty hour under your personal hairdryer!

After some back-combing, smoothing and a can of Aqua Net

You could only hope you'd look like this.

My alternative was a haircut called the Sassoon,

and a curly wiglet.

Just pop it on, and you're ready to go!

A few more hair style secrets:
Use orange juice cans for rollers.
Iron your hair on the ironing board for a perfectly straight swing.
Scotch tape your pin curls backwards for a side flip.
(Your can even wear your scotch taped curls to school, for an edgier look.)

But the queen of hairdos was

The Beehive.

I bow to your hairness.

What do you remember (or wish you remembered)
about the swinging sixities?


  1. I'm loving these posts-- the charts, the diagrams, the glamorous blow dryer!

    I had a full on beehive hairdo at age three. Really, what was my mother thinking?

  2. I remember wearing the flip throughout most of high school. My freshman year I wore the bouffant flip with with a bow just above my bangs.
    Never had the little wiglet thing, but I do recall returning to school after Christmas break and discovering many of the girls were wearing them.
    My younger sister (by four years) had wavy hair which naturally "flipped", but she was of the following hair generation that had to have stick-straight hair. I ironed it for her most mornings until Twiggy came onto the scene. Then she cut it all off (gasp).

  3. Oops! Where's my paragraphing? Oh well.

  4. Please, for the love of all things holy, tell me you did NOT wear a wiglet.

    Yes, I realize this is said by the girl who permed her hair and had rats nest bangs. Yikes. Glass houses, anyone?

  5. I had a hairdrier like that one. I am sure glad that blow driers were invented.

    I wore a flip, duck-tails and a poodle cut, but never a bee-hive. A girl I knew after college had a very tall beehive (she thought it made her look taller). She wrapped it in toilet paper every night and slept on a satin pillow case.

    She also wore skirts that had been pegged so tightly that she had to take them off to go to the bathroom - LOL

  6. Sleeveless dresses - straight, or barely A-line, and short. All in wild, psychedelic colors (now known as neon).

    Now, when you get the the 70's, I'm a great authority.

  7. i loved your wiglet on top of your twiggie hair. you were the height of fashion. as your younger sister i tried to do everything you did. especially loved the clothes!!!!!

  8. My mom had a blackmail picture of me wearing one of those fancy hair dryers and pretty much nothing else. Fortunately, I was only about three.

  9. Do you remember the "Switch"? It was a very long pony tail made up to more or less match your on hair. I had one made when I was a freshman at BYU (1964). I thought I was pretty spectacular walking around with a pony tail that went halfway down my back. If I wanted to appear taller, I wrapped it in a HUGE bun on the top of my head Beehive style. I also had a flip and a wiglet.

  10. Oops - I mean match your OWN hair.

  11. I had a hairdryer like that.

    What I remember is that about 1963 we discovered teasing. Everyone teased their hair every day. Then on graduation day the next year none of the senior girls looked right. They couldn't put the mortarboards on their teased hair, so they had to forgo teasing. They looked so odd to our eyes that had become accustomed to bouffants.


Now, what were you going to say?