Thursday, March 3, 2011

How Do You Google?

A while ago I wrote a random post called A Letter to My Grandkids: Anne Frank's Diary. It's been googled 25,000 times! I get emails about it almost every day. What makes a post catch fire?


  1. Titles, when they are well-thought-out, can bring thousands to your blog - even when the post has little to do with the title subject! Just try writing one about "kissing balls" LOL

  2. I agree, I think it has to do with the title. The post I wrote on thanksgiving teepee cupcakes gets googled all.year.long. I wrote it four years ago and am still getting comments on it. If it's a topic people are looking for, it will get found. And the more other people link to it, the higher up in google's ratings it will be.

    Your Anne Frank post is awesome. Makes me want to read that book out loud with my kids.

  3. How do you find out how many times you've been googled?

    I google everything -- people's names, places, events in history, quotes -- you name it, I google it. If I google "Anne Frank" will it take me to your post?

  4. HI Oma, That is really cool! And I too loved that post. How do you find out if people are googling your posts?


Now, what were you going to say?